Quarterly Council Meeting 9/17/2022
The Georgetown Tribal Council will be holding its quarterly meeting on Saturday September 17, 2022, in Anchorage at the Native Village of Georgetown office. The meeting will begin at 11 AM. A teleconference line will be available for members to attend by phone by dialing 1-800-315-6338 and entering 21951 at the prompt.
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. People to be heard
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Approval of minutes
1. June 25, 2022
VI. Swearing in Elected officials
VII. Election of Officers
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary/Treasurer
VIII. Executive Session
IX. Administrative Reports
1. Environmental Program
2. Program Director
3. Tribal Administrator
i. Financials
X. Committee Reports
1. Community Building
2. Enrollment
3. Environmental
4. Land
5. Policy
XI. Old Business
1. TEK Gathering
2. Ordinance 22-01 Ordinance to Adopt a Committee Appointment, Meeting, and Procedures
XII. New Business
1. Enrollment Application M. F.
2. Updating Bank Documents
3. ARP Fund Plans
i. Education/Training
ii. 2023 Assistance Programs
iii. Other uses
4. ARP Management - Hire Contractor to Assist, Form Committee?
5. Additional types of Financial Assistance from ARP Funds
6. Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF)
7. YKHC Unit 3B Ballot
8. Boat Storage
9. Old boat motor
10. EPA Tribal Environmental Plan (ETEP)
XIII. Council Comments
XIV. Audience Participation
XV. Other
XVI. Adjourn